When Reality Becomes Fantasy

The first question I’m typically asked when someone finds out I’m an author is, “What kinds of books do you write?” My simple answer is Science Fiction and Fantasy.

That’s an uncomplicated response, which most people immediately understand. The problem is, it really doesn’t do justice to the question. If I’m asked to explain more, I might say that I write in the category of magical realism, or science fantasy, or (a definition I’m not crazy about) metaphysical and visionary. More often than not, I’ll receive blank stares.

So, here’s my attempt to explain what my books are about without putting a label on them.

We all know what is real and what is not—for the most part, anyway. Our daily lives are ruled by the laws of science that make sense to us.

Many of us read fiction so that we can be carried away from our ordinary fact-based world, transporting us to places where we can only imagine. Such is the power of a good story.

The characters in my books live in our everyday world until events take place which they could never have envisioned. Here’s what I mean. As you read this, imagine you turn away from your computer, phone, iPad, or another device, and something otherworldly happens. A blip in reality takes place, and inexplicable events occur that make no sense to you.

Suddenly you’re a character in my fantasy world.

We add a little intensity, and now your life is in danger. One step further, and the lives of everyone you know now rely upon what you do. Turning your head, you discover magical powers. One more step, and the future of humanity is tied to your fate.

That’s what I write about.

I use the above photo on my website. It speaks to our actual world with a hint of the unknown. Is the protrusion of land part of a mountainside? Or is it one of The Raised Isles of Loralee in my first book?

Is it reality or fantasy? You decide. Oh, and be careful when you turn away from this screen.

Thanks for sticking with me.

Photo by Etienne Desclides on Unsplash

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