Double Down on Being Human

I spend a lot of time thinking about otherworldly beings to include in my novels. But I don’t write about imaginary creatures to scare, shock, or show how cleverly the book is written.

The nonhuman entities in my books are there to provide a contrast to the human side of existence.

The themes I often use in my storylines are the power of love, bonds of friendship, and the goodwill people have for one another. Long after you’ve finished reading one of my stories, those are the things I hope you’ll remember most about them.

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When Bots Go Bad

Monsters take many different forms. If you’ve read Elthea’s Realm and Elthea’s Gambit, you’ll understand the suffering caused by the Bots in my novels. In case you’re not familiar, the Bots I write about are not benign software programs operating mundane tasks.

In my books, the Bots kill without remorse. They are evil creatures that came to life from today’s computer viruses. We all understand the problems when a virus infects one of our tech devices. Now, imagine that destructive force as a living, breathing entity with magical powers.

I’ve taken what already exists in our world and turned it into something more deadly in my stories. During my time as a corporate marketing manager, I had frequently considered how technology could evolve in beneficial ways for civilizations or become disastrous to all.

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The Storyteller in Each of Us

At a recent Writers’ Club meeting, a member complimented me on my skill at storytelling.

I had to think about it. Me? I might call myself a writer, author, indie publisher, or editor. But storyteller?

Best-selling authors receive accolades all the time that are something like, “A brilliant book by a skillful writer.” That’s the praise most authors would be delighted to see or hear. Most of the people who write books probably prefer the title of writer or author.

But the comment about being a storyteller stuck with me.

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My Daily Writing Routine

Here’s a photo of Missy, my loyal dog, and a writing companion. Her breed is a Havanese, and we brought her home nearly a year ago.

My life hasn’t been the same since.

I initially hoped that Missy would help me write faster by planting herself on my lap while I was at my desk, forcing me to keep at my task. But alas, the opposite has typically been the case.

She’d much rather play. She will often coax me into chasing her around the house or in the backyard as she tries to keep one of her toys away from me. And if that fails, she’ll find some trouble to get into, like chewing on a slipper or sneaker I’ve left on the floor.

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