So Many Choices

Readers have many options. They are in the driver’s seat when it comes to purchasing books. As authors, we do all we can to help readers select our specific books.

But if I simplify the equation, it all comes down to two basic decisions authors must make: products or promotions.

Products are everything. Without them, we would only have dreams as wannabe authors.

Most readers may not consider novels as products like a bar of soap or any number of other items on the shelf of a department store. But to an author, that’s precisely what they are.

Books are products into which we pour our hopes and dreams. They contain the best of our imagination and creativity. We spend countless hours, months, and sometimes years fine-tuning each one until it represents the best of our talent.

Only then do we send them forth into the world, knowing that, unlike most other products, we will be judged personally as individuals rather than as entrepreneurs shielded by corporate names.

On the other hand, promotions are the lifeblood of an author’s business, transforming it from a mere endeavor into a thriving venture.

Consumers (aka readers) dislike hearing the message buy, buy, buy. That’s not the kind of promotion I’m talking about.

Booksellers (both big publishers and indie authors) carefully craft tactics to enhance how you find books. Like any business, big money is spent on discoverability.

At this point in my author journey, I have deliberately prioritized writing (or product) over promotions. One reason is that I immensely enjoy the craft of writing a novel.

The other is that I want to complete this current series of books in The Story of Elthea’s Realm before expanding the level of promotions. I believe it’s better to have a complete series for both binge-readers and slower-paced readers without forcing them to wait for the next book in the series.

Thank you for following my progress. During these dog days of summer, I’ll be busy drafting Book 5 in the series.

Wishing you the best,
