The Big Idea and the Long Game

When I was in college, beginning a graduate degree in public communications, I had to decide whether to focus on journalism or corporate communications. The school offered several concentrations, but I never seriously considered film, TV, or any other tracks.

I decided against journalism because the thought of pounding out an article, ripping the page from the typewriter (yes, I did say typewriter) and having it appear in a newspaper that day seemed daunting.

What about editing or revising a story until you’ve poured your heart and soul into it? The pressure seemed too much for me to accept.

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Why Some Novels Are So Easy To Read

The photo above was taken at my desk where I am working on my latest novel.

I once heard a writing coach say that the easiest novels to read are often the ones that authors worked the hardest on.

My novels take a long time to produce because I spend so much effort fine-tuning the little things that the reader will never notice. Every author has a million choices to make as the story progresses, and those choices make the difference between a dull story and a book that you can’t stop reading.

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Starting a New Novel

As an author, starting a new novel can be both thrilling and intimidating. Right now, I’m spending my summer writing the initial chapters of an upcoming book. At this point, I am taking a bit of a departure from writing the next book in The Story of Elthea’s Realm series—which will be Book 5.

Currently, I’m working on a story that takes place in Elthea’s Realm universe, but it’s set before the first book in the series. This particular time was crucial as the Bots and other great races engaged in a major war, which the Bots almost won. Although I mentioned these events in the first book, it was only in the narrative. This era is now known as the first significant conflict with the Bots.

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Creating Fantasy Fiction

People often ask me, “Why did you decide to write fantasy fiction?” The other question I often get is, “How do you come up with ideas for your stories?”

So, today, I pull back the curtain just a little to show you what’s behind my books and what inspired me. This won’t answer all your questions, but it will give you a peek into why I write and what I think about as I develop a manuscript.

Why Do It: Everyone has a passion in life—that one thing you want to accomplish more than anything else. For me, it has always been to write fiction (at least since I was in college). I had worked as a communications and marketing manager in the corporate world for many years, which paid the bills. Eventually, I pursued my passion and wrote the story I had secretly worked on for decades.

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Artificial Intelligence Is No Longer Science Fiction

Not that long ago, artificial intelligence was a topic limited to science fiction novels and movies. That is no longer the case. AI is here, it will change many aspects of our lives, and it’s not going away.

AI systems are generally more intelligent than humans and are already beginning to change our society in many ways.

Experts with more knowledge about the subject are debating AI’s positive and negative ramifications–something we all should pay close attention to. AI has the potential to transform society by improving human creativity. However, it also comes with a serious risk of misuse and societal disruptions that could have dire consequences.

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The Satisfaction of Publishing a New Book

This may take a while for me to get over. Those of you who have been with me for a while know I do not release books rapidly. When writing a novel, I take the time to reflect on every sentence to ensure it conveys the right emotion and meaning.

So, please forgive me for still celebrating the publication of my latest story Elthea’s Nemesis. During the rest of the year, I have little hard news to speak about. After all, there are so many times I can say, “I’m still writing (or editing) a manuscript. So stay tuned for more.”

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Elthea’s Nemesis is here

My latest novel is now available on all book retailer sites. Phew. That took a long time.

Maybe every author feels that way, but for me, it’s one of my writing habits I hope to improve.

I’m sure you’ll like this installment in the series. Elthea’s Nemesis is book four in The Story of Elthea’s Realm series, and it’s available in ebook, paperback, and hardcover. You can now purchase books online at your favorite book retailer.

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Release Date Approaches

Elthea’s Nemesis, Book 4 in The Story of Elthea’s Realm, is nearly here. Yippee! The next installment in the series will be available in the next week.

This is both an exciting and nervous time for me. Finally, after spending months upon months writing and perfecting my latest novel, it is nearly ready for publication. Elthea’s Nemesis will be ready to order online at your favorite bookseller.

Putting a new book out in the world for others to judge is scary. But, after spending so much time wrestling with words, typing them out one after another until somehow the chapters come together in an imaginative story, I’m ready to push it out for others to read.

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The Scary Part of Writing

Greetings! During these past couple of months, I focused much of my attention on finishing the manuscript of my next novel, Elthea’s Nemesis. Happily, the draft is complete as I move on to the editing phase.

I’m super excited about how this plot unfolded, and I can’t wait to make it available to you. But I still have work to do before it’s polished and ready for publication.

Writing a novel is a magical, intoxicating, and rewarding process. It touches a deep part of my core. I carefully consider every plot twist and word before committing it to the script. This method may take me longer, but in the end, I know each book I produce will be the best I can make it.

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Fantasy Filler Phrases

I hope you are doing well today. Here’s a photo of an ice-covered tree in our front yard during a winter’s day as the season nears its end. That’s my dog, Missy, at her usual vantage spot where she can keep an eye on the neighborhood.

In this article, I will touch upon the topic of filler phrases often used in fantasy novels.

Fiction writers are often known for their creativity, at least in their writing. The stories we pen are intended to elicit a gasp, maybe a tear, certainly a chuckle now and then.

We scrub our manuscripts ceaselessly to ensure readers hang on every word. As a result, it’s often a wonder we publish anything—a trap befalling more than one writer.

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