Creating Fantasy Fiction

People often ask me, “Why did you decide to write fantasy fiction?” The other question I often get is, “How do you come up with ideas for your stories?”

So, today, I pull back the curtain just a little to show you what’s behind my books and what inspired me. This won’t answer all your questions, but it will give you a peek into why I write and what I think about as I develop a manuscript.

Why Do It: Everyone has a passion in life—that one thing you want to accomplish more than anything else. For me, it has always been to write fiction (at least since I was in college). I had worked as a communications and marketing manager in the corporate world for many years, which paid the bills. Eventually, I pursued my passion and wrote the story I had secretly worked on for decades.

The Story Idea: Many captivating stories are derived from actual events in real life. For me, it was a college course called The Utopia Project—a program I still fondly remember. I used it as the springboard to launch our characters into a fantasy world.

Worldbuilding Wonders: One of the joys of reading fantasy is discovering incredible worlds. Hopefully, you feel the books of Elthea Realm are no exception. I spent countless hours crafting a vibrant world. It contains islands suspended high above the ocean, diverse cultures, and intricate magic. My stories begin on Earth, and the action quickly shifts to a magical realm, where most of the story takes place.

The Villains: Conflict creates action in any story, and I have some very bad characters in my novels who attempt to wreak havoc on the world. The Bots are artificial beings who evolved from malware—software designed to harm computer systems or programs. They escaped from the bonds of Earth’s computer networks and became sentient beings in Elthea’s Realm, now intent on destroying all that is righteous.

The Protagonist: We all love to cheer for the “good guys” in a story. The primary protagonist in my stories is Philip Matherson, one of the team members of The Utopia Project. He is an average person until events force him to save the lives of those on both Earth and Elthea. The rest of the utopia team are also beloved characters—each manifests the best qualities in humans. They have become my companions throughout this writing journey.

The Creative Process: A great deal of reflection goes into each plot episode in my books as I ponder ‘what if’ questions. I constantly seek ways to transform everyday occurrences into memorable and otherworldly events, infusing them with imaginative scenes. My writing style is best described as magical realism, where a sprinkle of enchantment is added to an otherwise ordinary world.

I hope you enjoyed this brief discussion about what goes into my writing. As always, if you wish to comment, you can do so below or message me at

Until next time,


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