Why Some Novels Are So Easy To Read

The photo above was taken at my desk where I am working on my latest novel.

I once heard a writing coach say that the easiest novels to read are often the ones that authors worked the hardest on.

My novels take a long time to produce because I spend so much effort fine-tuning the little things that the reader will never notice. Every author has a million choices to make as the story progresses, and those choices make the difference between a dull story and a book that you can’t stop reading.

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Artificial Intelligence Is No Longer Science Fiction

Not that long ago, artificial intelligence was a topic limited to science fiction novels and movies. That is no longer the case. AI is here, it will change many aspects of our lives, and it’s not going away.

AI systems are generally more intelligent than humans and are already beginning to change our society in many ways.

Experts with more knowledge about the subject are debating AI’s positive and negative ramifications–something we all should pay close attention to. AI has the potential to transform society by improving human creativity. However, it also comes with a serious risk of misuse and societal disruptions that could have dire consequences.

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The Satisfaction of Publishing a New Book

This may take a while for me to get over. Those of you who have been with me for a while know I do not release books rapidly. When writing a novel, I take the time to reflect on every sentence to ensure it conveys the right emotion and meaning.

So, please forgive me for still celebrating the publication of my latest story Elthea’s Nemesis. During the rest of the year, I have little hard news to speak about. After all, there are so many times I can say, “I’m still writing (or editing) a manuscript. So stay tuned for more.”

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The Scary Part of Writing

Greetings! During these past couple of months, I focused much of my attention on finishing the manuscript of my next novel, Elthea’s Nemesis. Happily, the draft is complete as I move on to the editing phase.

I’m super excited about how this plot unfolded, and I can’t wait to make it available to you. But I still have work to do before it’s polished and ready for publication.

Writing a novel is a magical, intoxicating, and rewarding process. It touches a deep part of my core. I carefully consider every plot twist and word before committing it to the script. This method may take me longer, but in the end, I know each book I produce will be the best I can make it.

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Double Down on Being Human

I spend a lot of time thinking about otherworldly beings to include in my novels. But I don’t write about imaginary creatures to scare, shock, or show how cleverly the book is written.

The nonhuman entities in my books are there to provide a contrast to the human side of existence.

The themes I often use in my storylines are the power of love, bonds of friendship, and the goodwill people have for one another. Long after you’ve finished reading one of my stories, those are the things I hope you’ll remember most about them.

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The Enchantment of a Good Book

Have you ever been stuck in a Groundhog Day movie as you experience the same events over and over again? Lately, I feel that way. It seems as if I’ve been editing and dealing with production and publishing decisions on my latest book, Elthea’s Paradox, forever. The process seems never-ending.

At times, I become impatient that it has taken too long. I want this book to be available so you can be as excited as I am about the story. I also want to begin working on the next book.

But this isn’t about me; it’s about you, the reader. A book, professionally crafted, can become positively magical. Within one simple container, you will find words that will entertain you for many hours. You never know what you will discover.

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Great Information About My Upcoming Novel

Here are nine facts about the latest novel I’m currently writing.

1.) I expect to publish the book later this year, hopefully by this fall.

I wish it could be sooner. I’m thrilled to share the story with you because I believe it’s really, really good. But it takes time for me to craft a tale, especially a good one. I had decided long ago that the books I produce will be the best I can make them.

2.) The title of the next book will be Elthea’s Paradox.

At least that’s the title I’m working with now. Without revealing too much, the book contains a dilemma about how to use the powers of Elthea. The main character, Philip Matherson, must overcome this paradox to survive.

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