My Resolution for 2023

The New Year is already a month old. Have you given up on your resolution yet? Did you even make one?

Until today, I hadn’t either. But I had a change of heart when I started thinking about this post. What to write? Too bad I wasn’t doing this a few weeks ago, I said to myself. That would have been perfect timing for a New Year’s article.

Better late than never. So, here’s my pledge for 2023: more reading and more writing.

“Wait a minute,” you might say. “Aren’t those things you enjoy? That’s no resolution.”

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A Story of the Christmas Book Flood

Here’s a picture of the first snowfall of the season in my area of New England, granted that it wasn’t much and didn’t last long. Other areas of the country have received considerably more, and we’ll likely be buried with a nor’easter before this winter is over.

I hope you have an enjoyable beginning to the holiday. I find this time of year simultaneously hectic and fun. Somewhere along the way, the season has become a time of giving gifts to those you love. And sometimes, random people we don’t know that well.

Many people have traditions around gift-giving. For example, have you heard of the Icelandic custom called the Christmas book flood? The name for it is Jólabókaflóðið.

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Rediscover the Fun of Reading

I know what you’re thinking, so let me stop you right now. This is not a shameless promotion about getting you to read more of my books (although don’t get me wrong, it’s one reason I write). Instead, consider this a public service announcement about bringing more joy to your life.

If you feel you don’t have enough time in your day for reading, you are not alone. Look, it’s not easy. Books require a commitment that many people believe they just can’t make. You probably have a million other things to do in your spare time: movies to stream, social media feeds to check, doomsday scrolling… you name it. 

And even if you pick up a book, is it the right one? Any book you find will have some negative reviews. What if those reviews are correct, regardless of the many other five-star reviews? Should you take the chance, especially since the time commitment to finish a full-length novel is considerable?

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All About Books, Including a Quote from Carl Sagan

Surprise!!! Today’s topic is all about books, including great quotes on this topic from Carl Sagan.

Reading is a terrific pastime regardless of your specific preference. I write about magic in my novels because that’s the type of story I like to read. But I have a little secret. Books themselves are the real magic. 

A remarkable transformation happens whenever you begin a new novel. The rush of excitement, a sense of wonder, an otherworldly feeling, takes over as you read.

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Inspiration or Perspiration

Here’s a picture of our gazebo after a recent snowstorm in the Northeast where I live. The snow has since melted because of a few warm and rainy days, but I hope it will look like that again soon.

Winter is a great season for an author (or an avid reader, for that matter). It’s a time to hunker down in bad weather and concentrate on the tasks we love most.

Writing is one of the pursuits I love the most. But it’s not always easy. The words don’t always appear magically on the page.

I recently heard a fellow fiction writer quote Thomas Edison. The message can apply to writers and non-writers alike.

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Progress on My Latest Novel

Here’s a picture of my writing desk on a chilly and damp early December day as I write this. Our first measurable snow is predicted in a few days, just in time because I only yesterday finished cleaning up the dead leaves from the lawn (a fall ritual here in New England).

Some people hate the cold and inclement weather of winter. But I love it. The season gives me a chance to hunker down inside and devote more time to writing.

As we head into these final weeks of 2021, I thought it would be a good time to update you on the headway I’m making on my next work, Elthea’s Nemesis. It will become Book 4 in The Story of Elthea’s Realm series.

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A Healthy Addiction to Books

If you’re like me, you look forward to the time of day when you read for pleasure. I enjoy meeting people who are avid readers.

These are the ones who steal glances at cover jackets whenever seeing someone else reading. They ignore the trinkets and furniture at yard sales as they rummage through piles of dusty old books. Bookstores are a mandatory stop while shopping. They subscribe to a half-dozen online promotional sites offering discounted ebooks.

In the book publishing business, these people are called whales. They consume far more books than the typical person. When it comes to word of mouth, whale readers are priceless. They will tell everyone what they are reading and post detailed reviews.

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Double Down on Being Human

I spend a lot of time thinking about otherworldly beings to include in my novels. But I don’t write about imaginary creatures to scare, shock, or show how cleverly the book is written.

The nonhuman entities in my books are there to provide a contrast to the human side of existence.

The themes I often use in my storylines are the power of love, bonds of friendship, and the goodwill people have for one another. Long after you’ve finished reading one of my stories, those are the things I hope you’ll remember most about them.

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When Reality Becomes Fantasy

The first question I’m typically asked when someone finds out I’m an author is, “What kinds of books do you write?” My simple answer is Science Fiction and Fantasy.

That’s an uncomplicated response, which most people immediately understand. The problem is, it really doesn’t do justice to the question. If I’m asked to explain more, I might say that I write in the category of magical realism, or science fantasy, or (a definition I’m not crazy about) metaphysical and visionary. More often than not, I’ll receive blank stares.

So, here’s my attempt to explain what my books are about without putting a label on them.

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The Promise of a New Year

The last twelve months have been a strange and difficult year for many people. But 2021 is here, and with it the hope of life returning to normal with more family gatherings, a resumption in travel, and the prospect of renewed friendships in person once again.

You can almost feel the collective longing for this to happen soon.

My daughter recently took the above photo. It’s a view outside our window during a murky, foggy morning. The bright sun rising on the horizon is about to dispel the gloom. I feel the scene is a perfect depiction of where we stand in the world today.

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