The Promise of a New Year

The last twelve months have been a strange and difficult year for many people. But 2021 is here, and with it the hope of life returning to normal with more family gatherings, a resumption in travel, and the prospect of renewed friendships in person once again.

You can almost feel the collective longing for this to happen soon.

My daughter recently took the above photo. It’s a view outside our window during a murky, foggy morning. The bright sun rising on the horizon is about to dispel the gloom. I feel the scene is a perfect depiction of where we stand in the world today.

I don’t know about you, but the past year has made me more grateful for images of beauty and the good things in life.

During the year, much of my writing had been focused on completing Elthea’s Paradox, the next book in my series. I’m thrilled that it will be released shortly, allowing me to concentrate on writing Book 4.

Like a lot of you, I’ve set ambitious goals for this new year. I’m hoping to have my next book (tentatively titled Elthea’s Nemesis) released in 2021. I also plan to continue my 2020 goals of writing every day, exercising, and eating healthy.

Thank you for being part of my 2020 journey. Have a spectacular 2021

Going Wide

I’m excited to let you know that I am now distributing my ebooks and print books to all the major online retailers, plus hundreds of storefronts worldwide. That’s what I mean when I say “going wide.”

You are no longer limited to Amazon or the Kindle when purchasing my novels. The retailers include Apple Books, Barnes & Noble Nook, Rakuten Kobo, Scribd, Tolino, 24Symbols, Hoopla, and Amazon. Find my books on any of these sites and many others.

Additionally, my print books can also be purchased online at most independent bookstores in both paperback and hardcover.