Progress on My Latest Novel

Here’s a picture of my writing desk on a chilly and damp early December day as I write this. Our first measurable snow is predicted in a few days, just in time because I only yesterday finished cleaning up the dead leaves from the lawn (a fall ritual here in New England).

Some people hate the cold and inclement weather of winter. But I love it. The season gives me a chance to hunker down inside and devote more time to writing.

As we head into these final weeks of 2021, I thought it would be a good time to update you on the headway I’m making on my next work, Elthea’s Nemesis. It will become Book 4 in The Story of Elthea’s Realm series.

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A Healthy Addiction to Books

If you’re like me, you look forward to the time of day when you read for pleasure. I enjoy meeting people who are avid readers.

These are the ones who steal glances at cover jackets whenever seeing someone else reading. They ignore the trinkets and furniture at yard sales as they rummage through piles of dusty old books. Bookstores are a mandatory stop while shopping. They subscribe to a half-dozen online promotional sites offering discounted ebooks.

In the book publishing business, these people are called whales. They consume far more books than the typical person. When it comes to word of mouth, whale readers are priceless. They will tell everyone what they are reading and post detailed reviews.

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Double Down on Being Human

I spend a lot of time thinking about otherworldly beings to include in my novels. But I don’t write about imaginary creatures to scare, shock, or show how cleverly the book is written.

The nonhuman entities in my books are there to provide a contrast to the human side of existence.

The themes I often use in my storylines are the power of love, bonds of friendship, and the goodwill people have for one another. Long after you’ve finished reading one of my stories, those are the things I hope you’ll remember most about them.

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When Reality Becomes Fantasy

The first question I’m typically asked when someone finds out I’m an author is, “What kinds of books do you write?” My simple answer is Science Fiction and Fantasy.

That’s an uncomplicated response, which most people immediately understand. The problem is, it really doesn’t do justice to the question. If I’m asked to explain more, I might say that I write in the category of magical realism, or science fantasy, or (a definition I’m not crazy about) metaphysical and visionary. More often than not, I’ll receive blank stares.

So, here’s my attempt to explain what my books are about without putting a label on them.

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The Promise of a New Year

The last twelve months have been a strange and difficult year for many people. But 2021 is here, and with it the hope of life returning to normal with more family gatherings, a resumption in travel, and the prospect of renewed friendships in person once again.

You can almost feel the collective longing for this to happen soon.

My daughter recently took the above photo. It’s a view outside our window during a murky, foggy morning. The bright sun rising on the horizon is about to dispel the gloom. I feel the scene is a perfect depiction of where we stand in the world today.

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The Enchantment of a Good Book

Have you ever been stuck in a Groundhog Day movie as you experience the same events over and over again? Lately, I feel that way. It seems as if I’ve been editing and dealing with production and publishing decisions on my latest book, Elthea’s Paradox, forever. The process seems never-ending.

At times, I become impatient that it has taken too long. I want this book to be available so you can be as excited as I am about the story. I also want to begin working on the next book.

But this isn’t about me; it’s about you, the reader. A book, professionally crafted, can become positively magical. Within one simple container, you will find words that will entertain you for many hours. You never know what you will discover.

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The Power of Story

Thanks for taking the time to read my latest journal article. Much of my day now involves writing my next book, and I’m often surprised I haven’t posted in a few weeks.

Today, I reminisce about the power of story, and why I craft the novels I do.

Let me tell you what drove me to become a writer and storyteller. I wasn’t always this way. But even as a child, the love of books was part of my nature.

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Global Events Can Spark Your Imagination

If you feel like the world has been spinning out of control during these past few months, you’re not alone.

First, we faced the coronavirus and then witnessed the massive protests for racial equality. We haven’t even begun the ruckus that’s sure to unfold as we approach the presidential election here in the U.S.

I’m a news junkie, so I tend to pay attention to events taking place in the world. I try to tune out the noise when it becomes too much by concentrating on my writing. But the evening news has a way of capturing my attention.

In some ways, science fiction and fantasy writers are lucky. We draw upon events in the world as fodder for our plots. We use them to stimulate our imagination, asking what-if questions. And often, we come up with some pretty creative results. So, in a way, I’m really doing research by clicking on that Apple News app while I work.

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The Fear of COVID-19

I considered writing something else in this blog post — anything except what’s on everyone’s mind these days. It can be overwhelming listening to the barrage of news, statistics, and commentary about the virus that has spread across the globe.

Right now, however, any other subject feels trivial. We’ve been upended by a small bit of chemistry too tiny to be seen. We are fighting a faceless, unseen enemy intent on destroying us. I’ve read too many science fiction novels where this story doesn’t end well for humanity.

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The Storyteller in Each of Us

At a recent Writers’ Club meeting, a member complimented me on my skill at storytelling.

I had to think about it. Me? I might call myself a writer, author, indie publisher, or editor. But storyteller?

Best-selling authors receive accolades all the time that are something like, “A brilliant book by a skillful writer.” That’s the praise most authors would be delighted to see or hear. Most of the people who write books probably prefer the title of writer or author.

But the comment about being a storyteller stuck with me.

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