The Ups and Downs of Writing

I always appreciate you taking the time to read my Journal posts. I try not to post too often, only when I feel I have something meaningful to discuss. Plus, as I’ve often said, I would rather be writing my next book than talking about it.

But the fantastic thing about this Journal is that the more you know about the person writing the book, the better your experience as a reader. You’re able to learn something about me and the reasons why I want to share my stories with you.

In this post, I’ll discuss a few of my thoughts about how I write and the motivation I use to keep writing.

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Great Information About My Upcoming Novel

Here are nine facts about the latest novel I’m currently writing.

1.) I expect to publish the book later this year, hopefully by this fall.

I wish it could be sooner. I’m thrilled to share the story with you because I believe it’s really, really good. But it takes time for me to craft a tale, especially a good one. I had decided long ago that the books I produce will be the best I can make them.

2.) The title of the next book will be Elthea’s Paradox.

At least that’s the title I’m working with now. Without revealing too much, the book contains a dilemma about how to use the powers of Elthea. The main character, Philip Matherson, must overcome this paradox to survive.

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My First Three Years

Well, somehow it’s been three years now since I began writing fiction full-time. I’ve learned much during this time, like how to piece together a bunch of disparate ideas into a seamless plot.

But mostly, I’ve learned that a good novel is actually a conversation between two people — the writer and the reader. To me, that’s the magic of fiction, and of storytelling. And it’s what I try to achieve in my books.

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